{ Beauvarlet-Charpentier : Organ works }


Pièces pour orgue
Volume 1


Beauvarlet-Charpentier :
Organ works
Two volumes 10” × 12½”
  • Volume 1 = 60 pages, Euros 44.-
  • Volume 2 = 56 pages, Euros 43.-

Successor of Daquin at Saint-Paul and at Notre-Dame of Paris, J.-J. Beauvarlet known as Charpentier (1734 † 1793) was extremely famous during his time.  His works, written with a personal and original language (especially from the point of view of harmony), show a master illustration of the French post-classical organ style during its first period.  Dom Bedos quotes him among the greatest organists of his time, and the registrations enclosed in his famous treatise match quite exactly those used by Beauvarlet.  With Lasceux, he is undubitably the major organist of his time.  Mozart came to listen to him and did not find bad to borrow him the theme of his Piano Concerto in C (K. 467).
One cannot know the French organ of the second half of the XVIIIth century without knowing Beauvarlet’s art, which strongly influenced his successors.
      O Filii
   Journal n° 1
      Cromorne avec les Fonds
   Journal n° 2
      Fugue (G minor)
      Fugue (G minor)
      Fugue (G major)
   Journal n° 3
      Trio de Grosse Tierce
   Journal n° 4
      Récit de Cromorne
   Journal n° 5
      Récit de Hautbois
      Grand-chœur (D major)
      Grand-chœur (C major)
   Journal n° 6
      Kyrie de Du Mont
      Récit de Hautbois et Flûte
      Gloria in Excelsis
      Récit de Flûte
      Petit Plein-jeu
      Symphonie concertante
   Critical Notes
   Journal n° 6 (suite)
      Petit Plein-jeu
   Journal n° 7
      Fugue (mi mineur)
      Récit de Flûte
   Journal n° 9
      Trio de Grosse Tierce
      Dialogue de Flûte et de Cor
      Récit de Flûte
   Journal n° 10
      Offertoire (Eb major)
   Journal n° 11
      Cromorne avec les Fonds
      Récit de Nazard
      Petit Plein-jeu
   Journal n° 13
      Fugue (C minor)
   Journal n° 12
      Grand-chœur en rondeau
      Récit de Hautbois
      Marche pour les rentrées de processions
   Noëls opus XIII
      Noël en trio sur les Tierces (Joseph est bien marié)
      Noël pour une Elévation (Or dites-nous Marie)
      Noël pour une Elévation (Pour l'Amour de Marie)
      Noël en Grand-chœur (Votre bonté Grand Dieu)
      Noël en Grand-chœur (Laissez paître vos bêtes)
      Récit de Hautbois, arranged by G.-Fr. Couperin
   Critical Notes

Several pieces of J.-J. Beauvarlet-Charpentier were recorded by Nicolas Gorenstein on a double CD (first - and only at this day - world recording), produced by Syrius and Cultural Agency of the Ville de Paris, available in any good record-shop and also at Chanvrelin.  See in our catalogue : CD The Parisian post-classical organists or get straight to the detail of it.

A volume of Jacques-Marie Beauvarlet-Charpentier’s works (Jean-Jacques’ son), organist at St-Germain des Prés and later at St-Eustache, is also available at Chanvrelin.  See in our catalogue : Jacques-Marie Beauvarlet-Charpentier : Organ works or get straight to the detail of it.

If you want to know everything about the French post-classical organ, the main organists, the instruments, the style, the interpretation rules, the notation features, the registrations, etc, see in our catalogue : Nicolas Gorenstein, The French post-classical organ, from the Concert Spirituel to Cavaillé-Coll or get straight to the detail of it.

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