{ A. Miné : Organ works }
Pièces pour orgue


 Adolphe Miné :
Organ works
One volume 9½” × 13”
26 pages
Euros 29.-

Maybe you thought you'd seen all of it with Lefébure-Wély ?  Discover Adolphe Miné (1796 † 1854), who narrowly missed becoming organist of the cathedral of Luçon, then was appointed at the choir organ of St.Roch in Paris and finally was choir master and organist of the main organ at the cathedral of Chartres, where he treated the bishop and the smart set of the congregation of his Offertories, Outgoings from choir et Entrances of procession in the great church style of that time, that of opera, ballet, and garden brass-bands.
Sixteen pieces easy to play, joyful, short but with ‘unlimited repeats’ (Miné himself says), completely decadent, irresistible.


    Entrée de procession
    Entrée de chœur
    Sortie de chœur
    Entrée de procession
    Sortie de chœur
    Chœur de Voix humaine ou de Cromorne
    Sortie de chœur
    Entrée de procession
    Sortie de chœur
    Critical notes

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