{ Lebègue : Third organ book }
Troisième Livre d’Orgue
Volume 1


 Nicolas Lebègue :
Third Organ Book
Two volumes 9½” × 13”
  • Volume 1 = 48 pages, Euros 39.00
  • Volume 2 = 46 pages, Euros 39.00
(First modern edition for more than one century)

Seldom performed, seldom recorded (only a few single works are available here and there), this Book issued in 1685 is however revolutionary.  While both previous ones followed Nivers's tracks and contained verses planned to alternate with the choir during the Mass or the office, the Third Book takes a sharp turn : it opens the way for real organ concerts by exclusively offering works for soloist organ, where the organist shows the instrument and charms the audience with seducing formulas (fanfares, variations upon well-known themes, opera-styled solos, etc).
Also, Lebègue’s language evolves, ornementation becomes more classical, and moreover the use of many chromatisms of different kinds brings new and much expressive elements still unknown.
The influence of Lebègue clearly appears in composers coming soon (Clérambault, Boyvin, Fr. Couperin who ‘borrowed’ a theme from him) and later (the post-classical organists will not forget him).


Volume 1
   Offertoire en D
   Offertoire en G b
   Offertoire du 3e ton
   Offertoire du 5e ton
   Autre Offertoire en C
   Offertoire en G bécarre
   Offertoire en b fa
   Offertoire en C sol ut b
   Offertoire en F ut fa sur le Stabat Mater
   Offertoire sur le Chant d’O filii et filiæ
   Critical notes

   Volume 2
   Simphonie sur le bémol fa
   Simphonie en G ré sol bécarre
   Simphonie en C sol ut
   Simphonie en D la ré bécarre
   Premier Noël – A la venue de Noël
   Une Vierge pucelle
   Noël pou l’Amour de Marie
   Noël cette Journée
   Or nous ditte Marie
   Puer nobis nascitur
   Les Bourgeoises de Chatre
   Où s’en vont ces gays Bergers
   Laissez paistre vos Bestes
   Les Cloches
   Première Elévation
   Elévation en G b
   Elévation en G bécarre
   Elévation en E mi la
   Elévation en A #
   Elévation en b fa
   Elévation en G sol bécarre
   Petitte Elévation en A #
   Critical notes


The First Book is also available at Chanvrelin.
See in our catalog : Lebègue, First Organ Book
or get straight to the detail of it.
The Second Book is also available at Chanvrelin.
See in our catalog : Lebègue, Second Organ Book
or get straight to the detail of it.

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