{ C. Guillet : Fantaisies }
Vingt-quatre Fantaisies


 Charles Guillet :
Twenty-four Fantasies
One volume 9½” × 13”
58 pages
Euros 44.-

Guillet (~1575 † 1654), organist in Bruges, was one of the great members of the Flemish school of organ, where Titelouze came from, while modality was mooving to tonality.  His Fantaisies follow one of the last classification of modes (Zarlino) which included twelve modes from the scales built on each note of the octave from C to A.  Therefore Guillet provides twelve pieces, plus twelve others on the same modes transposed to a 5th.
The Fantasy was a kind of work used by many great masters : Costeley, Raquet, Du Caurroy, Le Jeune.  But contrary to both these latter ones, Guillet wrote his works for the organ rather than for the “instruments”.  Each fantasy has its own personality, using extremely various contrapuntical processes.  At the same time, Guillet shows much consideration for the mode he deals with, and this gives a specific colour to each piece.
Guillet published his Fantaisies in separate parts, which have first to be put together in score.  The main difficulty about performing it lies in the countless crossings of parts which make reading difficult and uncomfortable.  For the first time this edition solves the problem by splitting the parts in order to avoid any nuisance, while their original settings remain always explicit.
Most of the pieces are planned for one manual, but some of them can take advantage of two, either in quartet (each hand on each manual), or by changing the manual depending of the plan of the work.
  A Très Havt et Pvissant Seignevr Mr Charles de Fonsecqve
  L’Avthevr avs Amatevrs de la Musiqve
Les tons naturels
  Premiere Fantasie
  Seconde Fantasie
  Troisiesme Fantasie
  Quatriesme Fantasie
  Cinquiesme Fantasie
  Sixiesme Fantasie
  Septiesme Fantasie
  Hvictiesme Fantasie
  Nevfiesme Fantasie
  Dixiesme Fantasie
  Vnziesme Fantasie
  Dousiesme Fantasie
Les tons transposez
  Treisiesme Fantasie
  Qvatorsiesme Fantasie
  Qvinsiesme Fantasie
  Seisiesme Fantasie
  Dixseptiesme Fantasie
  Dixhvictiesme Fantasie
  Dixnevfiesme Fantasie
  Vingtiesme Fantasie
  Vingt-vniesme Fantasie
  Vingt-devsiesme Fantasie
  Vingt-troisiesme Fantasie
  Vingt-qvatriesme Fantasie
  Critical Notes

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